In the listing below you can see the name of the Excel 2013 function (in ALL CAPS). The name of the corresponding Excel PowerUp function is in bold letters, and is prefixed by the letters “pwr”.
- ACOT (pwrACOT) – returns the arccotangent of a number
- ACOTH (pwrACOTH) – returns the hyperbolic arccotangent of a number
- ARABIC (pwrARABIC) – converts a Roman numeral to an equivalent decimal number
- BASE (pwrBASE) – converts a number into the text representation of the same number with a given radix (base) value
- BINOM.DIST.RANGE (pwrBINOMDISTRANGE) – returns the probability of a trial result using a binomial distribution function
- BITAND (pwrBITAND) – returns a bitwise AND of two numbers
- BITLSHIFT (pwrBITLSHIFT) – returns a value number shifted left by a given number of bits
- BITOR (pwrBITOR) – returns a bitwise OR of two numbers
- BITRSHIFT (pwrBITRSHIFT) – returns a value number shifted right by a given number of bits
- BITXOR (pwrBITXOR) – returns a bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) of two numbers
- CEILING.MATH (pwrCEILING) – rounds a number up, to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance
- COMBINA (pwrCOMBINA) – returns the number of combinations with repetitions for a given number of items
- COT (pwrCOT) – returns the cotangent of a number
- COTH (pwrCOTH) – returns the hyperbolic cotangent of a number
- CSC (pwrCSC) – returns the cosecant of a number
- CSCH (pwrCSCH) – returns the hyperbolic cosecant of an angle
- DAYS (pwrDAYS)- returns the number of days between two dates
- DECIMAL (pwrDECIMAL) – converts a text representation of a number in a given base into a decimal number
- ENCODEURL (pwrENCODEURL) – returns a URL-encoded string
- FILTERXML (pwrFILTERXML) – returns specific data from the XML content by using the specified XPath
- FLOOR.MATH (pwrFLOOR) – rounds a number down, to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance
- FORMULATEXT (pwrFORMULATEXT) – returns the formula at the given reference
- GAMMA (pwrGAMMA) – returns the Gamma function value
- GAUSS (pwrGAUSS) – returns the GAUSS approximation value
- IFNA (pwrIFNA) – returns the value you specify if the expression resolves to “#N/A” otherwise the value of the expression is returned
- IMCOSH (pwrIMCOSH) – returns the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number
- IMCOT (pwrIMCOT) – returns the cotangent of a complex number
- IMCSC (pwrIMCSC) – returns the cosecant of a complex number
- IMCSCH (pwrIMCSCH) – returns the hyperbolic cosecant of a complex number
- IMSEC (pwrIMSEC) – returns the secant of a complex number
- IMSECH (pwrIMSECH) – returns the hyperbolic secant of a complex number
- IMSINH (pwrIMSINH) – returns the hyperbolic sine of a complex number
- IMTAN (pwrIMTAN) – returns the tangent of a complex number
- ISFORMULA (pwrISFORMULA) – returns TRUE if there is a reference to a cell that contains a formula
- ISOWEEKNUM (pwrISOWEEKNUM) – returns the number of the ISO week number of the year for the given date
- MUNIT (pwrMUNIT) – returns the unit matrix of the specified dimension
- NUMBERVALUE (pwrNUMBERVALUE) – converts text to number in a locale-independent manner
- PDURATION (pwrPDURATION) – returns the number of periods required for an investment to reach a certain value
- PERMUTATION (pwrPERMUTATION) – returns the number of permutations for a given number of objects (with repetitions) that can be selected from the total objects
- PHI (pwrPHI) – returns the value of the density function for a standard normal distribution
- RRI (pwrRRI) – returns an equivalent interest rate for the growth of an investment
- SEC (pwrSEC) – returns the secant of an angle
- SECH (pwrSECH) – returns the hyperbolic secant of an angle
- SHEET (pwrSHEET) – returns the sheet number
- SHEETS (pwrSHEETS) – returns the number of sheets in a reference (does not support 3d references)
- SKEW.P (pwrSKEW.P)
- UNICHAR (pwrUNICHAR) – returns the Unicode character that is referenced by the given numeric value
- UNICODE (pwrUNICODE) – returns the number (code point) that corresponds to the first character of the text
- WEBSERVICE (pwrWEBSERVICE) – returns the data from the webservice
- XOR (pwrXOR) – returns a logical exclusive OR of all the arguments
I´m looking one function to compare one cell with text in a range of cells (array), with 50% or greater of “similarity” and return the next cell of array.
Example, look “Account” in the array we can find the best match word “Accounter” in the A99 cell, so I want to return the value in front cell B99.
So I´m trying pwrVLookUp, but I don´t have the structure of the function and one example text, and I feel lost in this point. Because when I call the function and fill the combo box I don’t understand the last 2 concepts “Strength” and “Width”
Said the above, I will grateful with the support team getting your help.
In general I need more information about the functions. There is some link with all the information about the differents functions?, Examples?, all that kind stuff that support at the user.
Hi, something like this should work:
In this case “Account” is the string you’re searching for something close to. Replace this with a reference as needed.
$a$1:$b$100 is the range I made up. Yours would be different. Can be a named range too.
“2” is the column number. I usually try to use a named range and a structure like COLUMN(namedRange[columnName]). This will return a column number. That way, if you add or remove columns your lookup still works as you want.
“70” is the percentage match, or strength of the match. If you make this a 100, it’s like a setting of “FALSE” in the built-in VLOOKUP function.
You can ignore width for this example.
Hi Charlie
I understood your point, thank you.
However something is wrong with my Excel sheet because when I try using your example, with one cell is ok. Really the matrix have around 6,000 rows (right table) and 500 rows the left table, and once run for all cells the result is totally wrong or even sometimes the cells are empty and the column with the value of similarity contain values. Is crazy I know, but mainly is very confusing.
My PC is corei5-4300 1.90GHz (4 core), 4GB RAM, windows 10 64 bits, Office 365 español 32 bits.
Do you see some incompatible to implement the Powerups ad.inn?
If you can contact, and attach an example sheet illustrating the issue I can have a deeper look at the question. Thanks!