A Little About Lorem Ipsum
“Lorem Ipsum” text is commonly used in the printing or design industry as dummy text used as a placeholder for “real” text. The Lorem Ipsum text is originally from Latin literature that is over 2,000 years old. It is not Latin-looking gibberish as often believed.
Generate Random Text in Excel
You can use the pwrRANDOMTEXT function in Excel to generate random text. The random text generated will be based on the Lorem Ipsum text commonly used as filler.
This function is available as part of the Random Data Assistant contained in the Excel PowerUps Premium Suite add-in for Excel.
In order to use this function you simply use it in your worksheet as you would any other function.
If you want to insert random text, you can use the following formula which will add a random set of text to your cell.
If you want to limit the number of words generated, you can specify that as a parameter. So to generate, say, random text up to 40 words long you would use the following formula.
If you want to limit the number of words to 40 and also generate at least 25 words you can do so by specifying a second parameter that designates the minimum number of words to be generated. To do this you would use the following forumula.
=pwrRANDOMTEXT(40, 25)
In the above example, the following two sets of random text were generated.
Faucibus est. Duis mattis, tellus vel fermentum rutrum, nibh purus egestas dui, eu porttitor urna justo a dolor. Sed eget mauris lorem. Praesent cursus est purus, vel posuere leo tincidunt non. In imperdiet orci.
Dui viverra tempor. Phasellus porta orci laoreet condimentum vulputate. Mauris dignissim odio sit amet ullamcorper lobortis. Vivamus pulvinar, enim vitae iaculis vehicula, purus sapien interdum tellus, viverra congue diam tortor sed quam. Pellentesque et pulvinar dolor. Suspendisse euismod.

There you go.