PowerUp Description

The pwrHLOOKUP PowerUp function looks up a value in a table or range of cells and returns the value of the cell from the matching column, at the row offset specified. The match in pwrHLOOKUP can be either exact or fuzzy to varying degrees.

PowerUp Syntax

pwrHLOOKUP(lookupvalue, tablearray, rowindex, strength)

The pwrHLOOKUP PowerUp function has the following arguments:

lookupvalue – Required. This is the value to be searched for in the tablearray.

tablearray – Required. This is the range of cells from which to find the match. The cells to match within must be the topmost row of data in the tablearray.

rowindex – Required. This is the row containing the data to be returned.

strength – Optional. This is a value between 0 and 100. If not provided, the default value used is 100. This will return an exact (or 100%) match. To perform a fuzzy match, use a smaller number (for example, 50) to indicate a lower strength of match.

Return Value

pwrHLOOKUP will return the value from the cell in the row offset identified by the rowindex parameter. If the cell is empty, an empty string will be returned.


You can vary the strength of match as needed to achieve the degree of fuzziness required. A good starting value is 50, but you can increase or decrease as needed.

The rowindex value begins at 1.


=pwrHLOOKUP("Full Name", A1:B1000, 300, 50)

Would be able to match a column with the value “Fullname” and return the corresponding row value.

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