PowerUp Description
The pwrRANDOMTEXT PowerUp function returns randomly generated text based on the Lorem Ipsum text used in printing and typesetting tools.
PowerUp Syntax
pwrRANDOMTEXT(maxwords, minwords)
The pwrRANDOMTEXT PowerUp function has the following arguments:
maxwords – Optional. This is the maximum number of words to be returned by the function. If not supplied the default value is 20.
minwords – Optional. This is the minimum number of words to be returned by the function. If not supplied the default value is 1. If minwords is greater than maxwords, they are treated as equal to maxwords.
Return Value
pwrRANDOMTEXT will return randomly generated Lorem Ipsum text in the length of the maximum number of words specified.
Text is returned in sentence form. In other words, the first word will be capitalized and will be followed by a closing period for punctuation.
Will return randomly generated text.
=pwrRANDOMTEXT(40, 20)
Will return at least 20 words, and no more than 40 words of randomly generated text.