TEXTJOIN, SWITCH, IFS, MAXIFS, MINIFS, CONCAT Available for Excel 2013, 2010, 2007

New Functions Available for Excel 2013, 2010, 2007

The following functions are available for Excel 2013, Excel 2010, and Excel 2007 in the Excel PowerUps Premium Suite.

  • IFS

These functions were introduced in a recent update for Excel 2016 and are now available for Excel 2013, 2010, and 2007 in the Excel PowerUps Premium Suite. In addition to these six functions, the Excel PowerUps Premium Suite also includes 50 functions that were added to Excel 2013. Similarly, these are available for Excel 2010 and Excel 2007.


The CONCAT function is similar to the CONCATENATE function. In addition to text strings, you are able to select multiple ranges of text to concatenate them.


The IFS function is a option to creating a bunch of nested IF statements in your formulas. It will return a value that matches the first TRUE condition among multiple conditions.


The MAXIFS function will return the largest value from a set of values that corresponds to a matched value in a range of cells. You can have multiple ranges of cells, as long as they are the same size and shape of the range of cells you are looking up the values to return from.


The MINIFS function will return the smallest value from a set of values that corresponds to a matched value in a range of cells. You can have multiple ranges of cells, as long as they are the same size and shape of the range of cells you are looking up the values to return from.


The SWITCH function evaluates an expressions against a set of values and returns the value associated with the first match encountered.


The TEXTJOIN function combines text from multiple ranges and also supports using an optional delimiter string.

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