Excel Add-in Update: Version 1.6.4 Adds New Capability

A new version of the Excel add-in Excel PowerUps Premium Suite has been released. Like other releases, this Excel add-in version has a few new and enhanced functions along with some bug fixes and tool additions. Go to the download page.

Enhanced Functions


pwrFILTERXML has been extended to directly open XML files or call XML web services. This allows pwrFILTERXML to work without having to first call the WEBSERVICE function in another cell. This also means you will not be limited by Excel’s 32k per cell character limit. This is key for utilizing web services that return more than 32k of text.


pwrWEBSERVICE has also been extended to directly open XML files. This allows you to reference local XML files. You will still be limited by Excel’s built-in 32k limit per cell, but you will be able to work with local files. If you need to return data from XML larger than 32k, consider using the updated pwrFILTERXML function to use an XPath query against a larger block of XML.

Bug Fixes

There are minor bug fixes and adjustments in the ribbon.

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