PowerUp Function Reference

Alphabetical Listing of Functions

The functions that provide the equivalent functions to Excel 2013 are listed in the middle column where they are applicable. Click on the function name to jump to the page specific to that function.

Function NameForward Compatibility NameDescription
pwrACOTACOTReturn the arccotangent.
pwrACOTHACOTHReturn the hyperbolic arccotangent.
pwrADDRESSPARTReturn part of an address.
pwrARABICARABICConvert a roman numeral to an arabic number.
pwrBASEBASEConverts a number into a text representation with the given radix (base).
pwrBINOM.DIST.RANGEBINOM.DIST.RANGEReturns the probability of a trial result using a binomial distribution.
pwrBITANDBITANDReturns the bitwise AND of values.
pwrBITLSHIFTBITLSHIFTReturns a number shifted left by the specified number of bits.
pwrBITORBITORReturns the bitwise OR of values.
pwrBITRSHIFTBITRSHIFTReturns a number shifted right by the specified number of bits.
pwrBITXORBITXORReturns a bitwise XOR of two numbers.
pwrCEILING.MATHCEILING.MATHReturns number rounded up, away from zero, to the nearest multiple of significance. 
pwrCOMBINACOMBINAReturns the number of combinations (with repetitions) for a given number of items.
pwrCONCATENATEConcatenates a range of cells, by row or by column, with optional delimiter.
pwrCONTAINSReturns whether a string is contained within another.
pwrCONVERTDISTANCEConverts distance values among various units.
pwrCONVERTPOWERConverts power values among various units.
pwrCONVERTSTORAGEConverts storage values among various units.
pwrCONVERTTEMPConverts temperature values among various units.
pwrCONVERTTIMEConverts time values among various units.
pwrCONVERTVOLUMEConverts volume values among various units.
pwrCONVERTWEIGHTConverts weight values among various units.
pwrCOTCOTReturns the cotangent of an angle specified in radians.
pwrCOTHCOTHReturns the hyperbolic cotangent of a hyperbolic angle.
pwrCSCCSCReturns the cosecant of an angle specified in radians.
pwrCSCHCSCHReturns the hyperbolic cosecant of an angle specified in radians.
pwrCURRENTUSERReturns the name of the currently logged on user.
pwrDAYSDAYSReturns the number of days between two dates.
pwrDECIMALDECIMALConverts a text representation of a number in a given base into a decimal number.
pwrENCODEURLENCODEURLReturns a URL-encoded string.
pwrFETCHXMLVIAGETReturn results of XML web service call using the GET method.
pwrFETCHXMLVIAPOSTReturn results of XML web service call using the POST method.
pwrFILEEXISTSDetermine whether the specified file exists. Return TRUE if it exists, FALSE otherwise.
pwrFILTERXMLFILTERXMLReturns specific data from the XML content by using the specified XPath.
pwrFLOOR.MATHFLOOR.MATHRound a number down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance.
pwrFORMATXMLFormat XML results with indentation. Must enable wrapping.
pwrFORMULATEXTFORMULATEXTReturns a formula as a string.
pwrGAMMAGAMMAReturn the gamma function value.
pwrGAUSSGAUSSReturns the GAUSS function approximation.
pwrGETQUERYSTRINGTOKENVALUEGet the value of the specified querystring token.
pwrHASHReturn a hash of the specified string using the provided method.
pwrHLOOKUPPerform a horizontal lookup for a value. Can be fuzzy.
pwrHTMLENCODEReturn the HTML encoded version of a string.
pwrHTMLUNENCODEReturn the HTML encoded string with encoded values unencoded.
pwrIFNAIFNAReturns the value you specify if the formula returns the #N/A error value; otherwise returns the result of the formula.
pwrIMCOSHIMCOSHReturns the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
pwrIMCOTIMCOTReturns the cotangent of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
pwrIMCSCIMCSCReturns the cosecant of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
pwrIMCSCHIMCSCHReturns the hyperbolic cosecant of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
pwrIMSECIMSECReturns the secant of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
pwrIMSECHIMSECHReturns the hyperbolic secant of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
pwrIMSINHIMSINHReturns the hyperbolic sine of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
pwrIMTANIMTANReturns the tangent of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
pwrINPUTBOXPrompts user to input text with input box, returns string entered.
pwrISADDRESSDetermine whether the provided string matches the pattern of a postal address. Return TRUE, else return FALSE.
pwrISBROKENURLDetermine whether the provided URL returns a page, or an error page.
pwrISCREDITCARDNUMBERDetermine whether the provided string matches the pattern of a credit card number.
pwrISDATEDetermine whether the provided string matches the pattern of a calendar date. Return TRUE, else return FALSE.
pwrISEMAILDetermine whether the provided string matches the pattern of an email address. Return TRUE, else return FALSE.
pwrISFORMULAISFORMULAChecks whether there is a reference to a cell that contains a formula, and returns TRUE or FALSE.
pwrISFULLURLDetermine whether the provided string matches the pattern of a complete URL. Return TRUE, else return FALSE.
pwrISIPADDRESSDetermine whether the provided string matches the pattern of an IP address. Return TRUE, else return FALSE.
pwrISOWEEKNUMISOWEEKNUMReturns number of the ISO week number of the year for a given date.
pwrISPHONENUMBERDetermine whether the provided string matches the pattern of a phone number. Return TRUE, else return FALSE.
pwrISREGEXMATCHPerform a regular expression match. Return TRUE if matches. Return FALSE otherwise.
pwrISZIPCODEDetermine whether the provided string matches the pattern of a zip code. Return TRUE, else return FALSE.
pwrMATCHPerform a MATCH operation. The MATCH criteria may be fuzzy.
pwrMAYBEReturn TRUE based on Boolean AND plus likelihood value.
pwrMESSAGEBOXAlerts user with pop up message box.
pwrMUNITMUNITReturns the unit matrix for the specified dimension.
pwrNUMBERVALUENUMBERVALUEConverts text to a number, in a locale-independent way.
pwrPARSEXMLParse XML stream using Xpath.
pwrPDURATIONPDURATIONReturns the number of periods required by an investment to reach a specified value.
pwrPERMUTATIONAPERMUTATIONAReturns the number of permutations for a given number of objects (with repetitions) that can be selected from the total objects.
pwrPHIPHIReturns the value of the density function for a standard normal distribution.
pwrRANDFROMRANGEReturn random value from specified range.
pwrRANDFROMSETReturn random value from specified set.
pwrRANDOMNAMEReturn random name, optionally by gender.
pwrRANDOMTEXTReturn random text generated of the Lorem Ipsum variety.
pwrREGEXMATCHReturn matching string based on provided regular expression.
pwrREGEXREPLACEMatch using regular expressions and replace with string.
pwrREVERSEReturn the string provided, reversed.
pwrRRIRRIReturns an equivalent interest rate for the growth of an investment.
pwrSECSECReturns the secant of an angle.
pwrSECHSECHReturns the hyperbolic secant of an angle.
pwrSENTIMENTDetermine a sentiment rating for the provided text.
pwrSHEETSHEETReturns the sheet number of the reference sheet.
pwrSHEETSSHEETSReturns the number of sheets in a reference.
pwrSIMILARITYDetermine the degree of similarity between two strings.
pwrSKEW.PSKEW.PReturns the skewness of a distribution based on a population: a characterization of the degree of asymmetry of a distribution around its mean.
pwrTRIMTrims leading, trailing, and multiple spaces within a string.
pwrUNICHARUNICHARReturns the Unicode character that is referenced by the given numeric value.
pwrUNICODEUNICODEReturns the number (code point) corresponding to the first character of the text.
pwrURLENCODEURL encode the provided string.
pwrURLESCAPEURL escape the provided string.
pwrURLPARTReturn the requested part of the URL.
pwrURLUNENCODEReturn the provided string with encoded URL values unencoded.
pwrURLUNESCAPEReturn the provided string with escaped URL values unescaped.
pwrVLOOKUPReturn the vertial lookup of a value. The lookup may be fuzzy.
pwrWEBSERVICEWEBSERVICEReturns data from a web service on the Internet or Intranet.
pwrXORXORReturns a logical Exclusive Or of all arguments.

2 thoughts on “PowerUp Function Reference

  • Ayana

    Can you use formulas such as IFERROR, IF nested with pwr formulas? If not, will an update to do this be released in the near future?

    • Charlie Nichols

      Yes, pwr* functions can be nested within built-in functions in Excel. For example, =IF(pwrISBROKENURL(“https://officepowerups.com/brokenurl”),”its broken”, “it’s good”) works as expected.

      If you have specific function questions please contact support@officepowerups.com.


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