TFS Daily Emails

TFS Daily Emails

[wp_ad_camp_1] [wp_ad_camp_4] TFS Daily Emails: How to get regular TFS query results into your inbox automatically Team Foundation Server (TFS) allows you to create queries and save them as personal views or team views. You can even set up alerts on individual work items assigned to you so you know when they’re created or changed. However, TFS doesn’t give you a way to get a recurring snapshot of the TFS view you created into your inbox automatically. Sometimes waiting for a change event isn't what you're looking for. I’ve used the process outlined below for TFS daily emails and it’s been working great for me. I’m using a combination of the following: PowerShellTFS 2010Outlook 2010Task Scheduler You may not have the exact same versions as I’m working with, but the…
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Seamlessly install and deploy your Excel XLL add-in

Seamlessly install and deploy your Excel XLL add-in

Development, Excel, Utilities
[wp_ad_camp_1] [wp_ad_camp_4] Automatically install Excel Add-In Once you've created your Excel add-in you'll want to get it installed on your customer's instances of Excel, right? Excel add-in deployment can easily be automated using the Excel Add In Automatic Installer. As the name suggests, you can automatically install Excel add in XLLs and XLAs with this setup extension. Excel add-in deployment There are many web pages that give an overview of the steps that would need to get automated for an Excel add-in deployment - so it's doable. I spent a bunch of time culling through the advice that worked, and the advice that didn't work so well for my own Excel add-in deployment tool. I've repackaged that work into a utility that can help make your add-in get installed seamlessly. Save…
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